Monday, August 9, 2010

Is it possible to get viruses by downloading videos from google videos to google video player?

Considering the speed with which people come up with new viruses, worms and ways to damage your computer despite all the companies making money off of spam blockers and antiviruses, OH YEAH. If the website is completely secure, and has all current viruses blocked, you can guarantee someone is coming up with a way to defeat their security.

Is it possible to get viruses by downloading videos from google videos to google video player?virus removal

In theory, but Google are careful. Its a lot safer than downloading from a peer to peer!

Use an anti virus that scans incoming info from the web, such as AVG or Avast, they're both free.

Is it possible to get viruses by downloading videos from google videos to google video player?anti virus protection

NO. Google will probably not get a virus on one of its videos for a long time...and i cant imagine anyone who can hate google that. But in all seriousness. The videos up there are in a special new video format called "flv". It'll be a while before we here of something going wrong with it because its still new.
May not. But better to be on the safeside. You insatll a standard antivirus soft ware such as Norton, AVG , Avast ( free antivirus software and Ad-aware, Ewido ( free spyware removers). You can download free softwares at and
The answer to the "Can this have a virus" or "Can I get a virus by using this" is always yes. The likelyhood of it happening, on the other hand, isn't very high.

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