Friday, August 20, 2010

Who thinks things like viruses and fungii and insects have extra terrestrial origins?

There is no substantial reliably valid information to indicate that this is a possibility. As Carl Sagan said... extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary proof.

Who thinks things like viruses and fungii and insects have extra terrestrial origins?live update

It is possble we ALL have extraterrestrial origins...the theory is called ''panspermia.''

I am not sure if I beleive it, but it is interesting to think about/read about.

Who thinks things like viruses and fungii and insects have extra terrestrial origins?norten

Fungii? Insects?? Panspermia might explain the orgins of prokaryotic life, but it took half a billion years for the original simple structures to evolve into simple eukaryotic cells. and then a long long long way before insects.

are you really asking if insects came from outer space?

i really worry about the Intelligent Design fiasco in an intellectually impoverished culture like this.
Read this book: Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates.
How would they get here? Ride in on a meteorite heated to several thousand degrees by atmospheric friction?

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