Most STD's are bacterial. Which means most can be treated. Please do not try to cure an STD with soap. You need to go to the clinic and be seen. If you want to get rid of the bacteria or virus on your hands, I suggest using anti-microbial soap, and carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer around.
Does antibacterial soap kill STD viruses or remove them from hands? what about detergent?microsoft
Actually, to comment on Pinwheel's STD virus can last up to 4 hours outside of the body.
And Dustin has it correct.
Does antibacterial soap kill STD viruses or remove them from hands? what about detergent?norton ghost
No an std can not be cured with soap:)
Yes. Even the air does that- most STDs don't survive after sex.
Nope. You answered your own question. does ''antiBACTERIAL soap'' kill STD VIRUSES. It'll kill bacteria, but not viruses.
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