it seems my lap top loses network connection and im not sure if theres interfearences or viruseson the router . its just not consistant .just goes on and off not sure if the mode or the computer that prvides us networkconnection is goodor not .
Can routers get infected by viruses?virus protection software
Even if routers can be affected by viruses (to say so, is to use "virus" in its broadest definition), this possibility would not be a priority in troubleshooting the problem you have.
Rather, you'll want to check your hardware, your network configuration and settings, and your caching (ARP/DNS) first before you start looking for more obscure causes.
Can routers get infected by viruses?adware
no..if u using wireless that happened sometimes...
I have never heard of a virus attacking a router. Try powering off the router and the modem and then power on the modem, wait a minute or so and then power on the router. If using ethernet cables you may want to reseat your cable clips all around.
In answer to your question, Yes, routers CAN get viruses.
A router is just a simple computer with a dedicated program. Ever wonder what happened to all those old, unsold Pentium II's when the Pentium III came out? Or the Pentium III's when the Pentium 4 came out? Many found new life in routers. For some routers, that dedicated program runs on stripped down version of Linux.
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