thanks for solving
Hello too many dangerous viruses to read the artticles/ from Taiwan?microsoft office
Could you learn how to ask question first, before worrying about viruses.
Hello too many dangerous viruses to read the artticles/ from Taiwan?norton antivirus
Are you refering to virus that will be going to Taiwan because of the year Ming Guo 100 (AD 2012)? Or are the virus that recently attacking internet to Taiwan or virus out from Taiwan to the rest of world? Please advice, thanks to you too for asking.
Viruses from overseas sources are on the rise. Never click on anything, or browse the Web as Administrator. Create a non-admin to log on to browse the web. Good luck...
What the f**k are you on about.Taiwan, viruses?Thanks for solving.Solving what?Is this some form of coded message warning us of something?Please clarify.